If you are familiar with Beef Northwest, odds are you are probably familiar with Ron Rowan. He has been with us for the past 25 years and is our Risk Management Director.
Ron was born into the industry and raised on a small purebred operation in Weiser, Idaho. He grew up working on ranches and farms in the summer throughout high school and college. Ron attended the University of Idaho and studied Agriculture Business Economics then received his master’s degree in Ag Economics from Colorado State University.
Post college, Ron took a job at Agribeef in Boise, ID as a grain merchant, then with Simplot as a commodity marketing manager. He was introduced to John Wilson and Wilson Cattle through feeder cattle sales while at Simplot. In the summer of 1995 John needed someone to manage the risk on cattle and commodities for our feedlots and it was a perfect fit for both parties. Ron has been a key player in the Beef Northwest family and for our customers ever since.
Ron is known in the office for having the best stories and having his wife, Ann, bring the best dishes to our monthly potlucks.
When Ron isn’t in the office bright and early before the trading markets open, he is at home enjoying working on his own 40 acres where he runs cattle on pasture and raises hay. He also enjoys living in the Baker Valley, hiking local areas as well as skiing in the winter, and serving the community with his wife.
His favorite office memory is from Halloween a few years ago, when he dressed up as the Wilson Office Manager Beth Shirtcliff in her Saturday work clothes. When she walked in the office that morning and saw him, she literally jumped in the air and screamed! We are thankful for employees like Ron who help make the Beef Northwest culture so great.